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Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti

Contents1 History of Saint Maria Goretti2 Casa Santa Maria Goretti, pilgrimage destination3 The sanctuary of Maria Goretti in Nettuno On July 6, Saint Maria Goretti, the holy child who died to preserve her innocence, is remembered. Here is how her cult was born. Devotion to…

Corpus Christi, meaning and celebrations

Corpus Christi, meaning and celebrations

Contents1 But when was this party instituted?2 The meaning of Corpus Christi3 How Corpus Christi is celebrated in the various areas of Italy4 The mysteries of Campobasso5 The Corpus Domini of Orvieto6 The flowers of Spello The Solemnity of Corpus Christi is one of the…

From Eve to Mary: the figure of the Mother in the Bible

From Eve to Mary: the figure of the Mother in the Bible

Contents1 Motherhood in the Sacred Texts2 Eve: mother of all living3 Bathsheba: wife and mother of kings4 Iochebed: the brave mother of Moses5 Elizabeth: mother in adulthood6 Mary: the chosen mother The mother, pillar of every family, beating heart and source of life for those…

How to make a sacrifice to the Madonna

How to make a sacrifice to the Madonna

Contents1 What’s a religious sacrifice?2 How to make a sacrifice to the Madonna3 Children’s sacrifice4 San Francis’ sacrifices A sacrifice to Our Lady, a small sign of devotion to show great love. But how to make one enjoyable? Let us start from the assumption that,…

How to pray for grace in the Marian Month

How to pray for grace in the Marian Month

May, the month of love has always been dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Let’s find out how to pray for grace in this special month. May has always been a month closely linked to the symbolism of rebirth and the cycle of life. This year…

5 places of pilgrimage to go to at least once in a lifetime

5 places of pilgrimage to go to at least once in a lifetime

Contents1 Pilgrimages of Faith2 Pilgrimage to Medjugorje3 Pilgrimage to Lourdes4 Pilgrimage to Fatima5 Macerata – Loreto pilgrimage6 The pilgrimage to the Holy Land God’s action on this Earth leaves a strong mark that attracts us: here are five pilgrimages of faith to be made at…

The most popular prayer for expectant mothers and 5 gift ideas for them

The most popular prayer for expectant mothers and 5 gift ideas for them

Contents1 Prayer of the expectant mother2 Prayer of the expectant mother to Santa Rita3 Who is the protector of pregnant women?4 Gifts for expecting moms Pregnancy is a special period, made up of joys, hardships and daily surprises: here are some good ideas for expectant…

La Pietà by Michelangelo Buonarroti: history and description of one of the most beautiful works in the world

La Pietà by Michelangelo Buonarroti: history and description of one of the most beautiful works in the world

Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Pietà is one of the most famous works of art of all time and one of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. Let’s discover the secrets of this wonderful sculpture. It is difficult to think of a work of art that is as…

Easter in art: the most beautiful artworks representing the passion of Christ

Easter in art: the most beautiful artworks representing the passion of Christ

Contents1 The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci and The Last Supper by Giotto2 The Crucifixion by Giotto3 The Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio4 The Lamentation over the dead Christ by Mantegna5 The Pietà by Michelangelo and the Lamentation of Christ by Giotto6 The Resurrection…

The Florets of St. Francis explained briefly

The Florets of St. Francis explained briefly

Lent, a time of penance and little sacrifices. Today we are talking about the Florets of San Francesco, a collection of episodes from the life of the Poverello of Assisi and a fairy tale reconstruction of his preaching. We talked about the importance of little…

How is Easter calculated?

How is Easter calculated?

Contents1 How is Jewish passover calculated?2 Christian Easter3 High or low Easter: what is meant? Each year changes date but remains the most important holiday: in this article, you will find out how Easter is calculated in the Jewish and Christian world. The most important…

Lenten Fioretti: 5 ideas on small sacrifices or things to do

Lenten Fioretti: 5 ideas on small sacrifices or things to do

Contents1 How to make a foil to the Madonna2 What do we have to give up?3 Religious foil not maintained Lent, a time of penance, prayer and devotion. What are the most suitable Lenten florets to prepare for Easter in the best way? Of all…

Ash Wednesday: what it is about

Ash Wednesday: what it is about

Contents1 The Meaning of Ash Wednesday2 Why is ash used?3 Ash Wednesday fasting Carnival is about to end. After Shrove Tuesday there is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. But where does this particular festival originate? What is Ash Wednesday? Where does its…

La Candlemas: history and curiosities

La Candlemas: history and curiosities

Contents1 Why is it celebrated and when2 History3 The purification of Mary La Candlemas, the story of a party with great suggestions that has its roots in pre-Christian rites linked to the triumph of light. Let’s find out what it symbolises for the faithful and…

5 sacred plaster statues for your church

5 sacred plaster statues for your church

Why aren’t the sacred plaster statues that we find in the church considered as objects of idolatry, but as an integral part of every Christian’s profession of faith? We are used to seeing numerous sacred plaster statues in our churches depicting Jesus, the Madonna, saints…

Does the Tree of Life really exist?

Does the Tree of Life really exist?

The tree of life is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, as a symbol of life par excellence. Is there really such a special tree? Men have always attributed a symbolic and religious value to certain trees. Just think of all…

Holy Trinity: meaning and iconographic representation

Holy Trinity: meaning and iconographic representation

Contents1 The Holy Trinity in the Creed2 What are the three Persons who make up the Holy Trinity?3 The Holy Trinity in the Holy Scriptures4 The Trinity of Rublev: history and meaning of the icon The concept of Trinity summarises the fundamental doctrine of the…

The meaning of the Mitre

The meaning of the Mitre

Contents1 But where does this strange hat come from?2 What is the shape of the Mitre?3 When is the mitre worn?4 Episcopal ordination What does the Mitre represent, the strange headdress worn by the bishops at different moments in the Liturgy? We discover the origin…