
Jewellery with the Tree of Life: Why and When to give

Jewellery with the Tree of Life: Why and When to give

The Tree of Life is a symbol that occurs in many cultures. Let’s discover its meaning and why giving a jewel that represents it, is a gesture of great affection and friendship Since ancient times men have bestowed upon the surrounding nature a strong spiritual…

St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless cases

St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless cases

Contents1 Martyrdom and iconography2 The Black church3 Patron saint of lost causes4 Prayer to St. Jude October 28 celebrates the memory of St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostle, patron saint of hopeless cases. Here is how this belief originated Tradition has it that St. Jude Thaddeus…

World Mission Day: giving oneself to others

World Mission Day: giving oneself to others

Contents1 What is World Mission Day2 What is this year’s theme: witnesses and prophets3 Pope Francis’ Message for World Mission Day October 24 marks World Mission Day, which consecrates October as missionary month World Mission Day celebrates the missionary activity of the universal Church and…

The Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children

The Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children

On the occasion of the feast day for his liturgical memory on October 16, we discover the Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children Oct. 16 marks the memory of St. Gerard Maiella, The Father of the Poor, The Apostle…

The Black Virgin of Czestochowa painted by St. Luke

The Black Virgin of Czestochowa painted by St. Luke

Among sacred icons, that of the Black Virgin of Czestochowa is one of the most emblematic and fascinating. Here is her story Russian icons possess a fascination that transcends centuries, an allure so rich in exoticism and spirituality that they are still one of the…

Rosary of St. Joseph

Rosary of St. Joseph

The Rosary of St. Joseph is a powerful weapon to ward off the devil and his temptations. It was revealed by Jesus Himself in an apparition. Let’s find out where its power comes from. St. Joseph, the putative father of Jesus, is one of the…

The rosary of Archangel Michael

The rosary of Archangel Michael

Contents1 Why is the Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel famous?2 Chaplet of San Michele Arcangelo3 The prayer of St. Michael the Archangel The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Let’s know better the Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel, its power,…

Saint Therese of Lisieux and the miracle of roses

Saint Therese of Lisieux and the miracle of roses

Contents1 The story of Saint Therese of Lisieux2 The theology of the “little way”3 Saint Therese of Lisieux Doctor of the Church4 Meaning of the name Therese5 Saint Therese of Lisieux Novena of roses Saint Therese of Lisieux, who died at the age of twenty-five,…

Prayer against depression to Our Lady of Smile

Prayer against depression to Our Lady of Smile

How was prayer against depression born and who was the first to manifest his devotion to Our Lady of the Smile? Some devotions are born from the personal experience of those who, tormented by some pain, have found comfort and consolation in Jesus or the…

The shrines of Saint Michael the Archangel: pilgrimage destinations to discover

The shrines of Saint Michael the Archangel: pilgrimage destinations to discover

Contents1 History of Saint Michael the Archangel2 Saint Michael the Archangel: apparitions on the Gargano3 The Feast of St Michael the Archangel4 The Sacred Line of Saint Michael: seven shrines united by a line5 The Cave of Saint Michael the Archangel With its apparitions and…

Cross of the Camargue: the cross that unites the symbols of the theological virtues

Cross of the Camargue: the cross that unites the symbols of the theological virtues

Contents1 The Three Theological Virtues2 Symbols of Faith, Hope and Charity3 The Cross of the Camargue Cross, still and heart: the symbols of the three theological virtues are united in the Cross of the Camargue. Here is the story of this symbol. There are different…

Cercis Siliquastrum or Tree of Judah: where the apostle chose to die

Cercis Siliquastrum or Tree of Judah: where the apostle chose to die

A cursed plant but with a beautiful flowering: here is the story of the Tree of Judah and its characteristics. We spoke in one of our articles about Judas Iscariot, the Apostle who betrayed Jesus Christ and delivered him to death. What happened after the…

The Madonna of Tindari: the Black Madonna and her sanctuary on the sea

The Madonna of Tindari: the Black Madonna and her sanctuary on the sea

The Madonnina di Tindari ‘chose’ to stop in the small town of the same name in the province of Messina. Here his feast day is celebrated every year on 7 and 8 September. To understand the cult born around the Madonna of Tindari it is…

Saint Mary on the Sea: the Madonna found adrift on a beach

Saint Mary on the Sea: the Madonna found adrift on a beach

The devotion to Saint Mary on the Sea stems from a very suggestive legend. Discover how it is celebrated in Maiori and Santa Maria di Castellabate In our study of the Marian Titles, among other appellations referring to Our Lady and linked to places where…

Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Saint Gregory the Great, “the consul of God”, venerated as a saint and doctor of the Church. But who was this extraordinary man? It has not happened to many men in the course of history to receive from their contemporaries the title of Magno, ‘great’.…

Mary Magdalene wife of Jesus: let’s clarify

Mary Magdalene wife of Jesus: let’s clarify

Contents1 Did Jesus ever get married?2 Marriage and Celibacy of Jesus3 Mary Magdalene married to Jesus What is the truth about Mary Magdalene? Wife of Jesus or simple disciple? Let’s find out in this article. Did Jesus ever get married? In the Jewish society in…

Who was Mary Magdalene” History and life of the “Apostle of the Apostles”

Who was Mary Magdalene” History and life of the “Apostle of the Apostles”

Contents1 History of Mary Magdalene2 Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute?3 Gospel of Mary Magdalene4 Maddalena: meaning of the name and name day Among the disciples, there were also several women. We know better Mary Magdalene, the apostle who left everything to follow Jesus. Santa Maria…

Who were the 12 apostles and discover the difference between apostles and disciples

Who were the 12 apostles and discover the difference between apostles and disciples

Contents1 The names of the 12 apostles2 The jobs of the twelve apostles3 What are the Acts of the Apostles4 The letters of the apostles5 Difference between Apostles and Disciples6 What did the apostles do after the death of Jesus Who were the 12 apostles,…