
The patron saint of animals: Saint Anthony the Abbot

The patron saint of animals: Saint Anthony the Abbot

Saint Anthony the Abbot is remembered as the patron saint of animals, but also for the terrible temptations with which the Devil tormented him for years. That’s what makes it so special. We have already mentioned Saint Anthony Abbot in an article dedicated to holy…

Argan oil and the innumerable properties of this precious oil

Argan oil and the innumerable properties of this precious oil

Argan oil: an everlasting beauty elixir. Let’s discover its amazing properties Argan oil excels among the products of the monasteries whose qualities we will never tire of praising. Berber women call it liquid gold and have used it since ancient times to protect their skin…

Christmas wreaths, the perfect decoration for your Christmas

Christmas wreaths, the perfect decoration for your Christmas

Round, colourful and gorgeous, Christmas wreaths can be a perfect decoration for both indoors and out. How to use them? Where to place them? Customise them or not? Let’s find out together. Every year, from October to January, the streets are filled with the warmth…

Holy Martyrs: sacrificing one’s life in the name of God

Holy Martyrs: sacrificing one’s life in the name of God

The Holy Martyrs are men and women, often very young, who sacrificed their lives for the love of God, and for this reason, they deserved beatification. So let’s get to know them better. Dying for love. You hear it often, in old songs, in novels,…

Holyart hardstone rosaries: technical characteristics

Holyart hardstone rosaries: technical characteristics

Semi-precious stones have always been used to imitate semi-precious stones. Let’s discover together the suggestion of semi-precious stone rosaries, sacred jewels of great beauty and value. Hardstone rosaries have always been a less expensive, but no less beautiful, alternative to precious stone rosaries. In our…

The history of the lights: from Southern Italy to the United States

The history of the lights: from Southern Italy to the United States

Christmas lights are a suggestive and essential tradition during the holidays, and not only in our country. This is how they were born. The custom of lighting the house on the occasion of Christmas has ancient origins and that sink in the profound religious sense of Christian…

Sacred statues in plaster, the excellence of Italian craftsmanship

Sacred statues in plaster, the excellence of Italian craftsmanship

Plaster sacred statues have belonged to the Italian artisan tradition since antiquity. Let’s discover this ancient and always current art. Sacred statues and figurines of the crib in plaster: an ancient art that has characterised our country over the centuries. For those who, like us…

Cosma and Damian: the medical saints who treated for free

Cosma and Damian: the medical saints who treated for free

Doctors, twins, martyrs. Saints Cosmas and Damian shared an extraordinary life, an unwavering faith and a terrible death, in the name of their faith. On 26 September, the Church celebrates them. In reality, there were five children of Nicephorus and Theodotus, both Christians, who lived…

Saint Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr

Saint Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr

On 21 September, Saint Matthew is celebrated evangelist, apostle and martyr. Who was he and how did he become an apostle? Saint Matthew the Evangelist is considered the author of one of the four canonical Gospels, namely the Gospels recognised by the Christian religion. In…

The cult of Our Lady of Sorrows

The cult of Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows is a name attributed to Mary, mother of Jesus. This is how secular devotion to Mater Dolorosa was born. A beautiful and sad woman, dressed in the mourning colours of black and purple. The face turned to the sky, often scratched…

The Nativity of Mary, when and why is it celebrated?

The Nativity of Mary, when and why is it celebrated?

8 September is the birthday of Mary, the mother par excellence, the woman who changed the history of the Church and humanity. Let’s find out more about her birth and childhood. Why write an article about the nativity of Mary? We all know well the…

Religious jewellery: the new Holyart product line

Religious jewellery: the new Holyart product line

Religious jewellery? Yes, but only high quality, made with artisan methods by Italian companies of proven excellence. Because beauty, professionalism and faith can go together. We at Holyart have told you in the past about the religious jewels that we offer in our online store.…

Saint Monica: patron saint of mothers and example for women

Saint Monica: patron saint of mothers and example for women

Saint Monica of Tagaste was a woman endowed with extraordinary strength of mind and unwavering faith. Let’s find out why she’s become a symbol for all mothers. Saint Monica is the patron saint of married women, mothers and widows. In an era when the woman…

The Assumption of Mary and the most characteristic celebrations

The Assumption of Mary and the most characteristic celebrations

15 August is not just an occasion for partying and outings. We remember the Assumption of Mary into heaven. Let’s discover the most evocative celebrations that this anniversary is celebrated with. In an article of some time ago we had already spoken extensively about the…

Saint Dominic of Guzman and the delivery of the rosary

Saint Dominic of Guzman and the delivery of the rosary

Saint Dominic of Guzman, the saint in love with Christ, lived his life dividing himself between preaching and prayer. A proud opponent of heresy, he received the Rosary from the Virgin Mary as a weapon of prayer and preaching. As tender as a mother and…

Bible stories for young and old

Bible stories for young and old

The stories of the Bible are so many, and so compelling that over the centuries they have inspired countless artists and writers, up to modern directors who have made films and television series. Let’s find out the reasons for so much influence. The stories of…

World Day of Friendship

World Day of Friendship

July 30 is the World Day of Friendship, a celebration born to celebrate one of the most wonderful aspects of coexistence between men. On the occasion of the World Day of Friendship we wanted to verify what is the exact definition of this form of…

The story of Saint Anne Mother of Mary

The story of Saint Anne Mother of Mary

On July 26, St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of the Virgin Mary, are celebrated. Let’s find out why. Although the Day of the Grandparents was established as a civil anniversary in Italy on October, 2 each year, in conjunction with the day of…