Saints and blessed

Martha, Mary, and Lazarus: Friends of Jesus

Martha, Mary, and Lazarus: Friends of Jesus

On July 29, the memory of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany is celebrated. Here’s why these saints were among Jesus’ dearest friends. In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly declared July 30 as the International Day of Friendship. The goal of this observance is…

Saint Thomas, the Doubting Apostle

Saint Thomas, the Doubting Apostle

Let’s talk about Saint Thomas, the doubting apostle, a devoted follower of Jesus and a great evangelist, often remembered more for his skepticism than his immense and solid faith. Among the apostles who followed Jesus until His last days, there is one who is almost…

When Holiness Runs in the Family: Stories of Siblings Who Became Saints Together

When Holiness Runs in the Family: Stories of Siblings Who Became Saints Together

Stories of Saintly Siblings: When Holiness Runs in the Family. From Saints Cyril and Methodius, co-patrons of Europe, to Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica, united in life and death, there are numerous stories of brothers and sisters who achieved sainthood together. When does a person…

The patron saint of marriages Saint Anthony of Padua

The patron saint of marriages Saint Anthony of Padua

Doctor of the Church, Hammer of Heretics, Protector of the Poor, Saint Anthony of Padua is also considered the patron saint of marriages. Let’s see why. While Saint Rita of Cascia is regarded as the protector of marriages, particularly of unfortunate brides, there is also…

St Augustine of Canterbury, evangelizer of England

St Augustine of Canterbury, evangelizer of England

St. Augustine of Canterbury, known as the Apostle of England, is adored as a saint by Catholics and Anglicans. His credited for having evangelized England. The greatest merit of St. Augustine of Canterbury lies in his attempt to reunite the Breton Church with the Saxon…

Saint Matthew: the apostle who took the place of Judas Iscariot

Saint Matthew: the apostle who took the place of Judas Iscariot

Saint Matthew the Apostle, the protector of engineers and butchers, was the only apostle not chosen by Jesus, but by the apostles. Let’s get to know him better. St. Matthew, the twelfth apostle is celebrated on 14 May. An atypical apostle, because he was the…

St. Scholastica, the sister of St. Benedict of Norcia

St. Scholastica, the sister of St. Benedict of Norcia

On Feb. 10, the Church commemorates St. Scholastica, sister of St. Benedict of Norcia, patroness of Benedictine nuns and protector of women who have given birth. Here is her story of sororal love and faith. Twin pairs have been known to be united by a…

Saint Blaise and the miracle of the panettone cake

Saint Blaise and the miracle of the panettone cake

Saint Blaise and the Milanese panettone. Let’s find out what the Armenian saint who protects against diseases of the throat and the famous Milanese dessert have in common We have already talked about St. Blaise of Sebaste, physician and patron saint of otolaryngologists and protector…

Struck by lightning on the road to Damascus: what is the origin of this saying

Struck by lightning on the road to Damascus: what is the origin of this saying

Thunderstruck on the road to Damascus, a saying that hides a story of deep faith and spiritual conversion. The protagonist? One of the most revered saints of all time When we say of someone who was thunderstruck on the road to Damascus, we mean that…

Our Lady of Loreto: the history and myth of the House that arrived in Loreto from Palestine

Our Lady of Loreto: the history and myth of the House that arrived in Loreto from Palestine

Since the Middle Ages, the Basilica of the Holy House has been the heart of devotion to Our Lady of Loreto, mother of Jesus, the Virgin of Laurel. We get to know this sanctuary better, its miracles and the mystery of the “flying” translation. The Basilica…

The lanterns of Saint Martin: stories and curiosities about this festival

The lanterns of Saint Martin: stories and curiosities about this festival

The lanterns of Saint Martin are a symbol of good luck and bring some of the warmth and light of summer in the cold winter. Let’s find out how this fascinating tradition was born. We have already spoken in many articles of how the feasts…

St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless cases

St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless cases

October 28 celebrates the memory of St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostle, patron saint of hopeless cases. Here is how this belief originated Tradition has it that St. Jude Thaddeus was the son of Mary of Cleophas, one of the three Marys, the three pious women…

The Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children

The Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children

On the occasion of the feast day for his liturgical memory on October 16, we discover the Sanctuary of St. Gerard Maiella, the patron saint of mothers and children Oct. 16 marks the memory of St. Gerard Maiella, The Father of the Poor, The Apostle…

Rosary of St. Joseph

Rosary of St. Joseph

The Rosary of St. Joseph is a powerful weapon to ward off the devil and his temptations. It was revealed by Jesus Himself in an apparition. Let’s find out where its power comes from. St. Joseph, the putative father of Jesus, is one of the…

The rosary of Archangel Michael

The rosary of Archangel Michael

The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Let’s know better the Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel, its power, the promises that the devotion to the Archangel guarantees, and the prayer. The Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel also called the Rosary…

Saint Therese of Lisieux and the miracle of roses

Saint Therese of Lisieux and the miracle of roses

Saint Therese of Lisieux, who died at the age of twenty-five, after having spent much of her life in seclusion, left us a unique model of spirituality and an example that is still followed throughout the world. What makes a saint so special? A definition…

The shrines of Saint Michael the Archangel: pilgrimage destinations to discover

The shrines of Saint Michael the Archangel: pilgrimage destinations to discover

With its apparitions and shrines, Saint Michael the Archangel still fascinates us today: in this article, we discover the mystery of the Sacred Line of Saint Michael the Archangel. History of Saint Michael the Archangel Devotion to Saint Michael the Archangel has centuries of history.…

The apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel

The apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel

Have you ever visited the Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo? It was built after an apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel; here is the story of the 5 apparitions of Saint Michael. The history of the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, in Monte Sant’Angelo, in the…