The Ambo

The Ambo

The ambo is a typical piece of furniture of the Christian Church since its origins. It is an elevated platform of various dimensions and materials, always decorated with engravings of solemn symbolic value. In its simpler forms, it is comparable to a normal lectern but it is often made in a more complex structure that can be accessed through some steps. The ambo can be supported by columns, in a number that always has symbolic meaning, but can also be solid. Furthermore, the ambo is a furniture intended for lectures, never for sermons, where instead the pulpit is appropriate. On the ambo during liturgy go up:

– The lecturer, that reads an extract from the Old Testament and an Epistle;
– The psalmist, that starts singing some;
– The deacon, that raves the Gospel.

The ambo is destined for the Liturgy of the Word, so it must be solemn and unique. It has to capture the eyes of the devoted with its majesty, has to be properly illuminated and, when possible, elevated. Candles and votive candles are lit around the ambo and often around it some ornamental plants and flowers are put, to underline the importance. The ambo is an extremely significant element in the Church, almost a monument kept within. For this reason during centuries, many artists have been called to create ambos of great meaning and splendor.